Sunday, July 14, 2013

Family Care and Contingency Planning

Create a binder and keep this information in it.  Please the documents in document protectors as well as scan them and keep a disk or thumb drive of it in the binder and an alternate location. 

1.  What is the vision statement for your family?
      a)  What are the goals for the family?

2.  What are some values?
     a)  Being financially responsible.  Be able to manage money
           1.  Teach them how to balance an account
           2.  Teach them how to pay bills on time
           3.  Teach them how to maintain GOOD credit
     b) Education.  College, trade school, vocational school.  Discuss these things and assist them with a plan of action to reach THEIR goal.  Let it be THEIR goals in life, not yours.
      c)  Morals.  Lead by example.  Teach them that making mistakes is a part of life.  Learning from them is key.

3.  Family Care Plan
     a) Establish a Will and let the family know where it is kept.  Make sure it is completed correctly and properly notarized or it will not be legal.  Have a law office look it over.
     b)  Have life insurance policies.  keep them up to date, paid and have the beneficiaries properly noted.  Let the family know where these documents re kept.
     c)  Let your family know if you have a medical power of attorney.
     d)  Have a CURRENT printed copy of family member names, phone numbers and their relation to you.
     e)  Have birth certificates, SS cards, marriage licenses, name changes, divorce decrees, baptismals, etc.... all in your binder.

4.  Agemate and Buddy System

     a) Establish an agemate and buddy system for your children.  Never allow them to be alone in their travels. 
    b)  Teach the community methods of emergency communications.

5.  Create a Separate Binder containing copies of your DNA test results, your ancestry results, geneology documents and family trees.

Teach your family how to do this.  This helps a LOT when you are unable to get to this information.  Be sure to store it in a safe dry place. Only provide trusted people with the location. 

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