ACRO believes that the leadership and guidance of our Elders is crucially
needed. In order for ACRO to be instrumental in helping to meet this need the
input of our members is greatly needed.
As Elder Esther Lamnyam, the amazing author of Love Under the Kola Nut Tree, has said "We
all need community.. [it] brings out our gifts! ...for the [empowerment of the]
Please ACRO Community Share Your
Thoughts On the subject of Elders! A few questions to kick-start the process.
Some questions came from the "BC Elders Communications Society" .
1. What makes an Elder?
2. What are the qualifications to
be an Elder?
3. What role(s) should Elders play
in the home, community, etc.?
4. Do you have to be a certain age
to be an elder?
5. Can both men and women be
6. Is the role of an Elder the
same everywhere you go across the country?
7. Has the role of Elders changed
over time?
8. How can ACRO get the Elders
more involved?
9. How can ACRO develop and
strengthen connections between Elders and youth?
10. How can ACRO assist in
celebrating our Elders?"
ACRO, looks forward to publishing your responses in future newsletters as
we continue this dialogue and begin establishing our own community Elder
Hetepu (peace and blessings)
Arnna Williams and Yvette Toko

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